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时间:2024-04-14 21:21:41






序号 武器模组 - 指定的修改将安装在您的参考武器上。物品的参考ID可以在命令控制台(~)中通过鼠标点击掉在地上的物品来显示它们的参考ID(It will look like this in the console 'WEAP " (FF01E117).
指令例子: FF01E117.amod 000FF442
(参考武器 ID).amod (模组 ID) - 添加模组
(参考武器 ID).rmod (模组 ID) - 移除模组
1 .amod 000FF442  Anti-Personnel - 10% damage against humans.
2 .amod 000FEA07  Bashing - Deals double damage when gun bashing.
3 .amod 000F437E  Berserker - Does more damage the less armor one has.
4 .amod 000F428E  Cornered - Damage increases as health decreases.
5 .amod 000FC884  Demoralizing - Small chance to demoralize a target.
6 .amod 001625EB  Disassembler - +20% damage against robots.
7 .amod 000FA8D6  Explosive - Randomly switches to explosive rounds.
8 .amod 000FFA3B  Extended Magazine - Doubles the base magazine capacity
9 .amod 0015DD18  Exterminator - +30% damage against ailens.
10 .amod 000FC8A4  Frenzy - Small chance to frenzy a target.
11 .amod 000EA117  Furious - Each consecutive hit deals more damage.
12 .amod 000EA0BA  Handloading - Volatile rounds that pack a bigger punch but aren't as stable and can occassionaly fail.
13 .amod 00122F1C  Hitman - +15% damage while aiming.
14 .amod 000F2013  Instigating - Deals double damage to targets with full health.
15 .amod 000FEA49  Lacerate - Randomly applies a bleed effect to the target.
16 .amod 000FFA3C  Med Theft - Chance that humans drop extra Med Packs on death.
17 .amod 00319AEC  Poison - Randomly deals poison damage and slows the target.
18 .amod 000FEA04  Rapid - +25% increase in attack speed.
19 .amod 000F4557  Shattering - Break through even the strongest armor
20 .amod 0031C0C4  Skip Shot - Every fourth shot fires two projectiles at once.
21 .amod 000F7321  Space-Adept - +30% damage while in space, and -15% damage while on a planet.
22 .amod 000E8D64  Staggering - Small chance to stagger enemies
23 .amod 0031C0C6  Telsa - Rounds will sometimes emit electricity that damages and slows nearby targets.
24 .amod 000FFA3D  Titanium Build - Make this weapon light as a feather .



